To assign your colonists to shoot at an inanimate object, first draft them, then click at their weapon, and then click at the target. You can also use sleeping pots as a target, as they are indestructible (as of Alpha 16). Use stone walls for their superior durability. Set up a line for your shooters to stand on and a stone wall for them to shoot at. But despite the low rates, if you want to keep your colonists safe, you can set up a shooting range within the grounds of your colony. Shooting at live targets will give you XP by the hundreds, while shooting at inanimate objects will give you 6XP per shot (burning passion), 4XP (interested) or 2XP (no passion). The most effective way to increase the shooting skill is to, well, shoot at things.

In this guide we will explain how to increase the shooting skill in a more elegant and effective way. Playing billiards also increases the shooting skill at a really low rate. Yes, playing horseshoes actually increases the shooting skill, though it increases it in such a vanishingly slow rate that it might as well be zero. The most ridiculous of them all: playing horseshoes. There are multiple methods to train your colonists in shooting. You can avoid this situation by training their shooting skills in safe grounds before you send them out to the battlefield. Unskilled shooters will fail miserably at hunting or fighting, risking their life in the process.