Our goal is to have interaction but not take it too far.” “It is not encouraging them to sit in front of the computer all day.

Like many online video games attached to consumer brands, the brand message also tells kids to go out and engage in actual exercise as well playing the online game. The technology is fairly simple - nothing needs to be embedded in the juice boxes, and Web software recognizes the specific Oasis juice box brand design when used with the site and a webcam. Our research shows that a lot of moms like playing these games by themselves when the kids go to bed.” In addition, many younger kids play online games with their families before they graduate to handheld ones. “Soccer is the fastest-growing recreational sport in Canada and more kids play it now in Canada than hockey.

Djamgouz believes the soccer theme will resonate well with kids in the target age rage of three to 12, as well as with their mothers.